Alert Dialog
Displays modal dialogs for important information, decisions, or user input.
./gradlew lumo --add AlertDialog
Basic Example
if (visible) {
onDismissRequest = { /* Handle dismiss */ },
onConfirmClick = { /* Handle confirm */ },
title = "Simple Alert",
text = "This is a basic alert dialog with default buttons",
confirmButtonText = "OK",
dismissButtonText = "Cancel"
Custom Dialog
BasicAlertDialog(onDismissRequest = { state.showCustomContentDialog = false }) {
modifier = Modifier
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp)
) {
LocalContentColor provides AppTheme.colors.onPrimary
) {
Text("Custom Content", style = AppTheme.typography.h4)
Text("This dialog allows for fully customizable content.")
text = "Close",
variant = ButtonVariant.Secondary,
onClick = { state.showCustomContentDialog = false },
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
API Documentation
The AlertDialog
composable creates a modal dialog with customizable content, buttons, and styling.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
onDismissRequest | () -> Unit | - | Called when dialog should be dismissed |
onConfirmClick | () -> Unit | - | Called when confirm button is clicked |
title | String | - | Dialog title text |
text | String | - | Dialog content text |
confirmButtonText | String | ”OK” | Text for confirm button |
dismissButtonText | String? | ”Cancel” | Text for dismiss button (null to hide) |
icon | @Composable (() -> Unit)? | null | Optional icon to display above title |
shape | Shape | RoundedCornerShape | Dialog corner shape |
containerColor | Color | White | Background color of dialog |
iconContentColor | Color | Primary | Color of the icon |
titleContentColor | Color | Primary | Color of the title text |
textContentColor | Color | Primary | Color of the content text |
elevation | Dp | 4.dp | Dialog elevation shadow |
properties | DialogProperties | Default | Window properties for the dialog |
content | @Composable (() -> Unit)? | null | Optional custom content instead of default layout |
This is the foundational component for fully custom content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
onDismissRequest | () -> Unit | Called when dialog should be dismissed |
modifier | Modifier | Modifier for the dialog container |
properties | DialogProperties | Window properties for the dialog |
content | @Composable () -> Unit | Custom content to display in dialog |